Rising Stars Jazz band

The Rising Stars Jazz Band is a big band comprised of musicians approximately grades 9 to 12 or ages 15 to 19. The band consists of up to 5 saxophones, 5 trumpets, 5 trombones, and one each of piano, bass, guitar, drums and solo vocalist.  The ensemble is a more advanced group for musicians looking to challenge themselves.  This ensemble is ideal for the more accomplished high school musician.

Rehearses Thursday 6:30-8:30pm

About the director

A native of Hamilton and an HASJB alumnus, Nora Nolan holds a Bachelor of Music from the University of Toronto, a Master of Music in Performance from McGill University, and a Bachelor of Education from Charles Sturt University.

As a music educator for nearly 20 years, Nora spent 10 years with the Halton District School board and is currently Director of Arts at Hillfield Strathallan College in Hamilton, where she teaches instrumental music.

Nora has been principal trumpet with the Masterworks of Oakville Orchestra and Oakville Chamber Orchestra since 2006, and a director with the HASJB since 2017.